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How Do I Pray More Effectively?

Prayer is a matter of the heart. Prayer, in its purest form, is communication with God. Prayer is meant to be a “dialogue,” not a “monologue.” When we talk to God, rather than with God, we miss the real beauty of prayer. Prayer is a privilege that we should never take for granted. True prayer is an effort to more closely align your will and heart with God’s will and heart. Prayer should never be an attempt to change God’s mind. God is perfect. He needs no improvement.
How long should you pray?
There is no magic number for the amount of time we should pray. Some say we should pray for an hour. While that is a great goal, it is often not very practical. If we can just focus on communicating our heart with God and then listening for His voice, we will very likely lose track of time. Perhaps you can begin with a goal of 3-5 minutes each morning. Then, work on increasing that amount over time. You’ll be amazed at how easy it will become.
What should I pray about?
The simple answer is “everything.” You might want to start with asking the Lord to guide you in your prayer. Ask Him to put on your heart the people and things He wants you to pray about. One simple solution is to have a Prayer List. You can break that list down into 2 categories – short term and long term issues. If your list includes people, be sure to put exactly what you want to pray about for that person. Be sure to write down the date the pray is actually answered (one way or another).
When is the best time to pray?
There is no simple answer. For most people, it’s a good idea to pray the first thing in the morning. In that prayer time, you might want to thank Him for all His blessings in your life and pray for God’s direction for the day. Starting the day off in prayer is an excellent recipe for daily success. Depending on your work schedule, you may need to focus your prayer time in the evenings or at night. Find a time that works best for you. The best bet is to attempt to pray throughout the day. This way, you are practicing a daily walk with the Lord, rather than a cumbersome routine.
What is the best attitude in prayer
The best approach in prayer is a combination of humility and confidence. We should be humbled before the Majestic God we serve. He is Holy. He is perfect. He is beyond incredible. He is in control. The more we lift Him up in our minds and hearts, the more He becomes real and impactful to us. Then, we should approach Him in faith. We should feel confident in knowing He loves us, wants to talk with us, and desires to bless us. Another key is to always pray in line with God’s Word. Try to find a Scripture that you can pray to God about. Try to find answers to your questions in the Word of God. This is still a form of prayer.
You must grow in prayer
Prayer is sometimes easy and sometimes difficult. The more you pray, the easier it becomes. Don’t be judgmental toward yourself. Just accept and acknowledge your needs for more prayer. Every step along the way, God will help you and grow you. You’ll be amazed one day when you look back and see how far you’ve come.