Why Should I Give To The Church?

Why Should I Give To The Church?

Giving to your local church is both a privilege and a responsibility. It is a privilege because we have been so blessed. God has been good to us. We do not deserve all He has done for us. Blessing others is a blessing. It is a responsibility because God expects us to use some of the resources He has given us to support His work.

The Bible teaches us that God gives seed to the sower (2 Cor. 9:10). Everything reproduces after itself. Everything ultimately returns to its source. When we give, we release resources that will make their way back into our lives. Just like a farmer sows seeds in expectation of a harvest, you can give to the work of the Lord with great expectation as well.

Keys to practicing better giving

  • Be grateful
  • Be loving
  • Be generous
  • Be focused
  • Be expectant

Be grateful. Nothing you have in your life originated from you. If God didn’t give you life and a brain, you would not be able to accomplish anything. Consider all the many blessings He has given you. Consider all the things He has done for you. Much of it you do not deserve. He has been better to you than you’ve been to yourself. Practicing gratitude keeps your attitude right.

Be loving. Always have a loving mind and heart. Love gives. Love forgives. Love always looks for the positive, not the negative. God loves us so much He gave His only Son to die for our sins. We were not worthy of such a fantastic gift, yet God did it anyway. He loves us just that much. His Son, Jesus, loves us so much He gave His life for us. No gift could be greater than that.

Be generous. Generosity opens the windows of heaven in your life. Since you have freely received, you should be willing to give freely. Generous people want to bless others. Generous people are fulfilled when they help meet the needs of others. Generous people are the happiest people on earth.

Be focused. Focus on what really matters in your life. Focus on your purpose. Focus on how good God has been to you. Focus on ways to be a blessing to others. Focus on the joy you can bring to others. Don’t the Devil distract you. Don’t try to control what happens once your seed is released. Of course, be a good steward and make sure you are sowing into good ground. Make sure the ministry has integrity. Make they have vision. Make sure they are clear about God’s assignment for them. Beyond that, just release things to the Lord.

Be expectant. As Pastor Rod Parsley once said, “The atmosphere of expectancy is the breeding ground of miracles.” Your seed has the power to change your future. Your seed has the potential to improve the lives of others. Release your seed and watch God do the incredible in your life.