Bishop G.E. Livingston has been helping individuals, leaders, and entrepreneurs succeed for 25 years. He is a successful pastor, community leader, business leader, mentor, and life coach. His passion is assisting people in fulfilling their purpose, pursing their passion, and maximizing their potential.
He is the Senior Pastor of Life Changers Church (Decatur, IL), and the Chairman of the Board of Life Changers Community Development Corporation and Life Changers Credit Counseling Service. He is also the C.E.O. of Robertson Charter School (Decatur, IL), which is a model for charter schools around the country educating at-risk students at a high level. He frequently consults charter school operators on improving academic outcomes and organizational excellence.
Bishop Livingston has served in a leadership capacity on numerous boards and organizations (incl. Boys and Girls Club, City Planning Commission, Civil Service Commission, Evangelical Ministerial Alliance, Community Development Fund, and the Minority Business Network).

God Is Looking For Your Greatness
Have you ever wondered what your purpose is? Do you have a feeling that you were born for an important reason? Do you long to fulfill your destiny? Do you desire to experience the greatness that God has placed in you? If your answers are “yes,” then God Is Looking For Your Greatness is for you. In this compelling book, you will learn the essential tools you need to live your best life now.
In God Is Looking For Your Greatness, G.E. Livingston guides you through the process of discovery and development of your greatness. The greatness in you is yours, but it's yours to share. Your greatness is meant to be a blessing to the people around you. By walking in your greatness, you will feel complete and thoroughly blessed. There will be no obstacle you cannot overcome. Power is released when purpose is fulfilled.
Bishop Livingston is here to help you succeed. Take advantage of his many years of experience helping people maximize their potential. Click below to see some of the common questions asked, along with his helpful and insightful answers. The answers to these questions can help you overcome some of life's challenges.
If the question you have for him is not listed, you can send your own unique question to him. No question is too simple. Knowledge is power. Take advantage of this incredible opportunity to learn and grow with one of the premier life coaches in America.